The most human of all callbots

Answer 100% of your passengers' calls without compromising on quality

Automate your customer call handling so you can respond to their requests without delay, while providing a human experience through our advanced technology.

AlloBrain's callbot that answer passenger call

Extend your customer service hours to 24/7 with our callbot

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ADP group Logo
Club Med Logo

Cost reductions - callbot

Automate the response to up to 65% of incoming calls and reduce the callback rate.

Increase CSAT on calls

Eliminate waiting times, provide fast response and a human-like experience

Focus on hight value calls

By automating the answering of simple calls, your agents can handle calls with added value
ADP group Logo

"AlloBot provides us with invaluable assistance in responding to the tens of thousands of calls from Aéroports de Paris. The solution is multilingual, quick to set up and has been effective from day one. We also plan to deploy it at our other airports."

Siddartha Chaterggie
Chief Digital Officer, ADP (Paris Airports)
Discover ADP x AlloBrain story >
ADP group Logo

The AI-powered callbot - with a twist

Give your customers the best phone experience

Smart Callbot

State of the art generative AI callbot

Your customers want an intelligent callbot that understands their questions and answers them quickly and accurately.

That's why we've developed our own generative AI engine, based on a Large Language Model (LLM) with 30 billion parameters, trained to respond to phone calls.

To give you the best performance on the market, we train our models on your company's own data and then teach them about your environment.

Humain-like experience

Don't compromise on quality with our callbot

At AlloBrain, we are customer experience experts with a strong technological DNA.

We invest heavily in research and development to be the most technologically advanced callbot solution and provide the best phone experience for your customers.

  • Choose from over 40 human-like voices

24/7 service


Smart routing

Humain-like voice

Generative AI discussion

Custom-driven models

Speaker diarisation

Speaker diarisation